Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love Letter

My third post and we already have a guest writer on this valentines day special post on " What not to write to your Valentine ". Ladies & Gentlemen - introducing Greg - a fun loving charismatic character,an amateur guitarist, my room mate and a great friend. Greggg!!!!

Love Letter writing - Classic Style, Vol I

To the one who makes my world go round,

Dakshyini, my my, how you've changed.Remember the time when we used to talk forever and on and on about nothing in particular? Remember how we jumped and played and how,I, chivalrous that I am, let you win in all our hide-n-seek games? Now, when I look back, in hindsight, I know that I was the winner.

Remember how I brushed your hair, sticky as it was, when you said you felt a wobble in your brain? Those were the times !

I remember it like it was yesterday.No, not even yesterday; I know that shaky voice is always in my heart.The twinkle in your eye and the dimples on your chin and your ears; God, how can I forget those ears, with lobes forming out like the underbelly of a sleeping giant. And your face, beautiful as it is, makes me realize what life is, and what it could have been.

Now as war looms on the horizon and the recession hitting new lows I really must talk to you as soon as possible.

My sweet forever, if not for anything, at least for the memory of the most beautiful times we've had, I know you'll call.

Awaiting your reply, and life.



Anonymous said...

Hey Srikanth..ur Guest writer did a great job to mark the much-hyped V-day..! BTW ur blog seems to be increasing in size quite fast..Gud going!!! :-)

Hari Vishnu said...

lol man.. greg in (non)romantic form eh :).. and nice to see ur blog is surviving recession times.. btw, Gregory's with u eh.. kollam, is this turning out to be a replay of last 4 years @ EEE-NITC ?..

rgds to greg n whoever else is there.. n keep writing..

Ashish said...

good post...
I know nothing about greg so can't say much...
But I liked the post...

Abhay Karnataki said...

:) nice letter.

ctrl C, ctrl V! :)